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Courtney Wylie, Attorney & Leadership Development Executive Coach

Courtney Wylie's Bio:

Courtney Wylie works with law students and attorneys to develop their own leadership and professional skills in a positive way.  She is passionate about creating more awareness in the legal profession about mental health and substance abuse.  Courtney works with attorneys to increase their skills to find happiness and success in the practice of law.  She is constantly researching and speaking on topics that help attorneys to develop greater self-awareness, empathy, emotional intelligence, GRIT, resilience, and an stronger growth mindset.  Courtney is also appointed as the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Liaison to the Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (CoLAP) and an appointed member fo the Advisory Committee of CoLAP.  

Courtney Wylie's Experience:

  • Professional Development at Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

  • The University of Chicago Law School

  • Assistant Attorney General at Office of the Attorney General, State of Illinois

  • Attorney at Wilson Elser

Courtney Wylie's Education:

  • DePaul University College of Law

    Juris Doctor
    Concentration: Law
    Activities: Law Review, Order of the Coif, Magna Cum Laude
  • Columbia College Chicago

    BA in Communications
    Concentration: Television Producing
    Activities: Student Government, Student Alumni Association, and Illinois State Laureate
  • Carolina Springs Academy

    High School Diploma
    Activities: Graduated Valedictorian

Courtney Wylie's Interests & Activities:

Behavioral Science, Neuroscience, Organizational Behavior, Positive Psychology, Coaching, Psychology, Leadership Development

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